How to adapt the Society 5.0 and its development, include learning and developing some essential entrepreneurial skills?

Leadership and communication skill - Darren Koo Yong Chong TP079020

Society 5.0

Students are critically vital for Society 5.0 as they play an important role for future and representing the next generation of thinkers. The concept of Society 5.0 is to create a society where individuals can tackle a wide range of societal concerns with the help of technological advances for example AI (Artificial intelligent), robotics and big data. 

  • Leadership

    First and foremost, develop leadership since a good leader is key to success. Student can have more group work instead of individual work. Via group work student able to choose a leader and a leader able to give clear instructions and have a good work allocation. Leader can use outsourcing method hence every group member able to do their preferred part since they are doing what they do the best and others do the rest (Lutkevich, 2023).        

  • Communication 

    Moreover, students can learn some effective communication skills by setting incorporating discussion, group discussion, role playing and demonstration. Via these activity students able to improve their language. As a consequence, students can develop a good communicating skill this is because a top-notch communicating skill is one of the skills that are required by an entrepreneur (Sukraini, 2020).  

Digital Literacy and Technical Skills - Kok Sze Jun TP078618

Digital literacy

  • Digital Literacy the gateway to participate society 5.0 involves the ability to evaluate digital content, understand data privacy and security, and use digital tools effectively in communication, collaboration and innovation (WeVideo, 2024). 
  • For instance, digital literacy enables citizens to interact with e-government service, ensuring transparent and efficient public administration (Rouse, 2023).
  • Technical Skills build the infrastructure of future which encompassing knowledge in areas such as AI, IoT, robotics, big data, blockchain and cybersecurity.  
  • These skills are crucial for developing and maintaining the infrastructure of Society 5.0 which enable the creation of innovation solutions that address pressing societal issues, such as aging population, urbanization, and environmental sustainability. 
  • For example, AI and big data analytics can revolutionize healthcare through predictive diagnostics, personalized treatment plans, and efficient resource management. IoT and robotics help in transforming manufacturing and logistics into a smarter, more sustainable production process and supply chain. Last but not least, cybersecurity skills are essential to protect sensitive data and ensure the integrity and security of systems.  (Tripathi, 2021).

Ethical and Social Responsibility - Loo Qi Heng Tp 079062

Everyone's social responsibility

Being ethical and socially responsible encourages individuals to make sound decisions by relying on their moral beliefs and civic duty. Every of the individual has a responsibility to clearly acknowledge their actions which are benefit to social welfare (Goede, 2023). 

  1. Every of the AI, robotics and IT stuffs must implement ethical framework to ensure that's these technologies are benefited to society, ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability (Kumari, 2023). 
  2. Individuals should perform social awareness to understand societal requirements and think through or design solutions according to the issue which face by societal. 
  3. Communication is one of the important roles that cannot be ignore since societal can't go through without communication; by embracing social responsibility, business can build trust and credibility, attracting customers who align with their values (Kumari, 2023). 

Growth Mindset - Lim Zheng Xian TP072186

Society 5.0 will be surrounded with various technology that advances at a rapid rate, what is happening today might be totally different from what is going to happen tomorrow. Thus, developing and having a growth mindset is important when adapting to Society 5.0. 

Growing mindset
A growth mindset is a way of thinking, it allows a person to be able to overcome obstacles, whether big or small, and view failures as lessons or opportunities to learn more (Constable, 2021). This mindset will also allow a person to be open for feedback, constantly reflecting and improving oneself over time. As mentioned, Society 5.0 will involve sophisticated technology, which also means there is always something new and unknown every day, being able to constantly update and upskill oneself in that environment will be very beneficial (Monja, 2024). Person with growth mindset will stay relevant to others, not being left behind by the constant changes of technology. 

Critical thinking - Matthew Austin Widjaja TP078750

With the main concept of Society 5.0 integrating the cyberspace and the physical space to create a society that revolves around humans and focuses on solving social issues (Ivezic, 2022), certain skills are necessary within this new society. One of which is critical thinking and problem solving.    

To analyse a problem and create an applicable solution in this new society, a person must be able to effectively gather information about said issue and further evaluate it by viewing different angles of approach, using their logical thinking to factor in every component to finally deduce the root of the problem and how it can be solved (Amash, 2023).

Critical thinking

These are the skills of an entrepreneur, and these skillsets will only get more important as the world moves toward society 5.0. 

Once every citizen can critically think of an issue while incorporating their human-centered values, data analysis, and technological innovations (Guarda, 2023), society 5.0 will be fully realised.       

Interdisciplinary learning - Tan Shern Kai TP070566 

Society 5.0

Interdisciplinary learning is a method of teaching that combines information and abilities from several academic fields to investigate a subject, find a solution, or pose a query.  

This approach emphasizes the links between different subjects, which promotes a more thorough understanding and stimulates creativity, critical thinking, and practical application. Interdisciplinary education encourages students to see the links between different domains of knowledge, which promotes a holistic understanding.  

For example, mathematics abilities can help one understand geography more deeply, while scientific concepts can provide light on historical events.  

This integrated approach improves students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills by reflecting the complex nature of real-world problems.  

Utilizing the fields of economics, sociology, political science, and environmental science might help solve complicated problems like climate change in a more creative way.  

Additionally, by training students to integrate knowledge from various sources, interdisciplinary learning strengthens their analytical abilities and empowers them to think critically and make well-informed decisions. 


  • Lutkevich, B. (2023, January 31). outsourcing. CIO.,temporary%20office%20workers%20and%20freelancers. 
  • Sukraini, N. (2020). Developing Students’ Essential Skills in Preparation for Society 5.0. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IAHN-TP Palangka Raya, 1, 55–63. 
  • WeVideo. (2024, January 23). What Are Digital Literacy Skills? (+ Why They Matter). What Are Digital Literacy Skills? (+ Why They Matter). 
  • Digital Literacy (Digital Fluency). (2023). Margaret Rouse.  
  • Tripathi, V. M. (2021, October 26). Digital transformation: 7 in-demand technology skills. The Enterprisers Project. 
  • Kumari, S. (2023, July 8). Industry 5.0: Harnessing empathy, social responsibility, and inclusivity for a greater purpose. 
  • Goede, M. (2023, August 23). Ethical Considerations in Society 5.0. 
  • Monja, M. L. (2024, April 30). Society 5.0: Concept, Challenges, and Examples. Innovar o Morir. 
  • Constable, A. (2021, January 19). Why Entrepreneurs Must Develop A Growth Mindset For Their Businesses. Forbes.
  • Guarda, D. (2023, August 9). Society 5.0: the fundamental concept of a Human-Centered Society. Businessabc. 

  • Ivezic, M. (2022, April 19). Introducing Society 5.0 - Marin ivezic. Securing Society 5.0 - Marin Ivezic.  
  • Amash, E. (2023, April 7). Why entrepreneurs need critical thinking skills | InventRight. inventRight.  
  • Education Scotland. (2020). What is interdisciplinary learning? | Education Scotland 
  • Sciences, S. U. of S. (2023, March 23). Why is Interdisciplinary Learning Important? SUSS. 
